e-Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Editorial Board

Chief Editor

Dr. Rajesh Gore Associate Prof. & Head, Dept. of English, Toshniwal Arts College Sengao. MS.

Associate Editors

Dr. Pratima Gond Asst. Prof. MMV, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. UP.
Dr. Mahesh Dwivedi Asst. Prof. SEAS College, Mainpuri. UP.
Dr. Bhagwan Shendge Asst. Prof. of Geography, B Raghunath College, Parbhani.

Assistant Editors

Dr. Manoj Bhagat Asst. Prof. of Eng. BB Arts, NB Comm. & BP Sci College, Digras. MS
Dr. Sachin Khadke Asst. Prof. of Marathi, Sharda College, Parbhani. MS.
Dr. Om Prakash Ratnakar Lecturer in English, Rajkia Ashram Paddhati College UPPSC.
Dr. Kamalakar B Gaikwad Asst. Prof. of English, MGV's ASC College, Surgana, Dist-Nashik. MS.

Managing Editor

Rekha Pund SSA Department of School Education and Literacy, Govt. of India.


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